SEO Fundamentals To Be Adhered To in 2024

SEO is an ever-changing landscape, but core SEO fundamentals remain the same. SEO comes in many forms and is divided into 3 pillars of SEO which are;

  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO
  • Technical SEO

On-Page SEO

The first area I became familiar with was when I started writing blogs about music industry events in 2012 (SEO was different back then 😉). However, what has remained the same is that WordPress is probably the best for bloggers as it offers and still offers SEO plug-ins such as Yoast. The only difference is now is that there are many more plug ins and applications which do the same thing Yoast does. I would argue that Yoast is the most simplistic and easy for beginners, and they have added some features since 2012, but it is fundamentally the same.

By this, I mean it operates a traffic light system to tell you how well-optimised your post and pages are for the search engines. More algorithm changes means more features and in some cases more work. However, the invention of Artificial intelligence may mean it’s less work but you” have pay for the premium version if you want this.

The key aspects these programmes help with are;

  • Title Tags
  • H1 -H6 Headings
  • Keyword Placement
  • Keyword Density
  • Title Tags
  • Meta Descriptions
  • SEO Titles
  • Internal links
  • Outbound links
  • Alt text for images

The free version is good enough though it can help guide you through and complete well optimised content. The key to SEO success is create content that people what to link to and this is done by creating content that solves a problem for them.

These are the key fundamentals of SEO but for a successful strategy you will need to pick the right keywords. This is why keyword research is one of the most important factors of SEO.  The ideal keywords are the ones which are listed as easy to rank for with a decent search volume, but it is important to remember that longer and more specific key phrases may have a lower search volume but may lead to a higher conversion rate due to their level of intent. There are two types of keywords which are ;

Short- Tail

These are the shorter key phrases which are probably more common, and they tend to contain 1-2 word. Examples of a short-tail key phrase would be computer, walking boots, Bass Guitar etc.

Long- Tail

A Long tail keyword would be more specific so it would read as Microsoft High Resolution Gaming Computer, Blue WaterProof Walking Boots, Ibanez Short Scale Bass Guitar. Due to the specific nature of these key phrases, the buyer is more likely to convert to a purchase as they have a clear and specific idea of what they are looking for.

Off-Page SEO

High quality backlinks are what is needed for any SEO strategy but when you first delve into this it can be overwhelming but keep going. One of the key strategies outlined by many authors and websites is the HARO (Help A Reporter Out ) Strategy. This is when professionals from various sectors are encouraged to help a reporter out by sending some valuable information or a quote which can help back up info or a theory. However, this method although still probably effective IF you can get your information seen or heard but that is a big If considering the millions of people who must be messaging them each day replying to their emails.

Many companies now employ outreach specialists which reach out to other sites to encourage them to link to content but the rule of thumb goes you have to offer something for them in return. This would usually be in the form of content, blog post, a boot camp , master level course etc.

The main idea is that you need to add value so websites want to link with you, in addition to this you can reach out to podcasts (which are growing daily).

The easiest method to build authority is to sign your business up to directories  such as ;

118 Business Directory

This is a very effective tool for local SEO and is commonly used as part of a local SEO strategy. However, it will help build authority with your domain on the broader spectrum of SEO also. Additionally, it may also gain you some new customers from the directories too.

Backlink Outreach

Key Tip: Be Creative & Use Your Influence

If you provide a service to a client and they’re happy, leverage testimonials and get them to link to your website. You can also speak to institutions you have been involved with; this could be someone where you learned a new skill or course.

For example, 18 months ago, I did a 12-week boot camp with We Are Digital, and I have been in discussion with them to feature a testimonial on how their course helped me in my digital marketing career.  I highly recommend their 12-week boot camp. It is well-taught and informative, and it encouraged me to do my masters in digital marketing. I’m looking forward to being part of their case study.

Organic Backlinks

You’ve probably heard this again and again, but content is king, and this is one of the best strategies to create high-quality backlinks organically. In addition to this it should bring your website traffic up which will build authority with the search engines.  It takes work creating quality content and although it is tempting to use AI ( which I am not against as t will take you so far_.

However, it may benefit your strategy if you put your personal spin on things and give your content a form of identity this could be a blog article, vlog, master of ( insert chosen topic here) course. Who knows? You may create content that goes viral then you’ll reap the rewards for sure. Backlinks are now one of the most important SEO fundamentals as it is where you will be competing with your competitors. Furthermore, the best tool to track what your competition is Semrush, they offer a free 7 day trial , an alternative to them is MOZ who offer a 30 day free trial also


If you’re on Linked In and you have been promoting yourself as an SEO professional or you have been looking for that type of work, I imagine by now you will have had numerous emails asking you to buy links . This is a big No and Google will penalise you with a ranking penalty or remove from it’s index altogether if they suspect you. This Act is known as Black Hat SEO ( unethical). It is important to stick to ethical practices ( White hat ) and there is some dispute as to whether certain loopholes are Black Hat or Grey Hat ( Grey Area) . Furthermore, this topic is a huge discussion itself and has it’s own article which is coming very soon.

Technical SEO

Some On-page elements can heavily impact your Technical SEO, which is usually to do with file size. There are tools which can help monitor how fast your site loads and what technical issues it may have. For this I usually use;

Common problems tend to be that image files can be too big, a great tool to use make your images search engine friendly is

It’s all generally so the Google and other websites can crawly your website smoothly and easily and understand what your site does. This is why you will need to submit an XML site map to Google and other search engines when you have built your site.  You should also always submit a new XML site Map to Google Search Console when you have made changes to your website.

There can be common technical errors with websites such as broken links, duplicate Meta titles, duplicate pages, pages that no longer work. A great tool to route out these errors is Seobility.

Google Requirements

SEO Fundamentals
SEO Fundamentals

Google ranks your website based on four key principles known as EEAT, which stands for;

  • Experience
  • Expertise
  • Authoritativeness
  • Trustworthiness

These are the key aspects that Google will rank your site on, based on how experienced you are, are you an expert in your field? , Are you known as an authority in your sector. Last but not least, how reliable are you? Do people trust you?

Fundamentals of SEO

Let’s Summarise with Some Key Reminders ;

Crawling 101: Befriending the Bots

First things first, let’s understand how search engines discover your content. Imagine tiny robot explorers (affectionately called “crawlers”) scouring the web. To befriend them, ensure your website is mobile-friendly, has a clear sitemap, and boasts lightning-fast loading speeds. Think of it as rolling out the red carpet for SEO royalty!

Keyword Kingdom: Ruling the Search Queries

Keywords are the magic spells that summon your target audience. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant terms your ideal readers are searching for. Remember, it’s not just about volume; target long-tail keywords that reflect specific user intent. Think of them as the secret handshake that grants access to your desired search kingdom.

Content Craft: From Bland to Brand Storytelling

Content is king, queen, and jester in the SEO realm. Craft informative, engaging pieces that answer user queries, offer unique perspectives, and resonate with your audience. Don’t forget to sprinkle in relevant keywords naturally, like delicious spices in a gourmet dish. Remember, Google, and your readers, crave fresh, high-quality content that speaks their language.

Technical SEO: The Unsung Hero

Don’t underestimate the power of technical SEO! It’s the foundation upon which your SEO castle stands. Ensure proper website structure, optimize meta descriptions and title tags, and submit your sitemap to search engines. Think of it as maintaining the castle’s plumbing and electrical systems – crucial for a smooth user experience and search engine visibility.

Link Love: Building Your SEO Empire

Backlinks are like votes of confidence from other websites, telling search engines your content is worthy. Earn them naturally through high-quality content, outreach, and guest blogging. But remember, quality over quantity reigns supreme. Think of backlinks as loyal subjects pledging allegiance to your SEO empire.

Mobile-First Mindset: Embracing the Smartphone Revolution

In today’s mobile-first world, optimizing your website for smartphones is no longer optional; it’s mandatory. Ensure fast loading speeds, user-friendly navigation, and a responsive design that adapts to any screen size. Remember, your SEO kingdom must cater to its mobile subjects!

Staying Ahead of the Curve: Adapting to Google’s Whims

Search engine algorithms are ever-evolving, so continuous learning is vital. Therefore, staying updated on industry trends, attending SEO conferences, and experimenting with new strategies is helpful. Think of it as keeping your SEO skills sharp, ready to adapt to any algorithm update Google throws your way.

Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. Consistency, creativity, and a focus on user experience are key to achieving lasting SEO success. This means you must put on your explorer hat, wield your content-crafting magic, and confidently conquer the SEO landscape!

Bonus Tip: Don’t forget to track your progress with SEO tool

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